11 Funny Parenting Memes that are Kidding Around

You, a living person, have a parent. At one point or another, two people got their genes mixed together to create you, a physical embodiment of their meshing. Ideally, this came with the two of them sticking around in your life and taking care of you, nurturing you, disciplining you, and helping you explore and discover the world. And they probably went through a lot of crap to do so (literally and metaphorically)! Being a parent is certainly not for everyone, but those that do it go through a lot of different things. Although the general consensus is that the good outweighs the bad, that doesn’t mean that parents can’t bond with other parents over the stuff that happens. That leads to funny parenting memes just like these! So get ready to get your rare few moments of rest as you waste your time with these funny kid memes!