15 Relatable Memes to Let You Know You’re not Alone

Memes, especially the internet memes that make up the bulk of the meaning of the word nowadays, are pretty much anyone’s main source of entertainment. While you may only browse social media and meme pages for several minutes at a time, I bet that that time adds up greatly. And while memes come in all shapes, forms, file formats, and genres, one that’s a main staple in the industry are relatable memes! Whether it’s directly relatable or just a relatable vibe, these memes oftentimes take something that we commonly do in the world and poke fun at it, point out an irony, or something else. So I figured hey, why not, seeing as I’m really pressed for time the next few weeks, I’d scrounge together an easy-post of funny relatable memes. Whether you relate to all of them or just some of them, I’m sure you can relate some of these funny memes while wasting your time!