Welcome to another weekly dose of wholesome memes and wholesome videos for your enjoyment! I hope your New Year has been off to a good start and that your Holidays prior went well as well! I’ve only had a couple days off the last few weeks, but I’m personally looking forward to a new creative project I’m starting this year. I hope you have something like that to look up to as well! Either way, take a little break to celebrate the New Year with these new wholesome memes 🙂
Posts from the mademesmile community on Reddit
He was too excited for his present byu/Sima_Forest inMadeMeSmile
Dad took video of his son every time he picked him up from school. byu/Warm_Animal_2043 inMadeMeSmile
A customizer took his shoe drawing and made it into a real pair of 1s for Christmas. byu/LonelyWolf_93 inMadeMeSmile