A Giant Meme Dump of the Most Iconic Tweets Ever to Grace the Platform

Twitter has been around the internet for some time, and although it’s a relatively smaller social media site that also doesn’t make much money (and is making much, much less now), it’s still a platform people use to interact with each other. The potential anonymity of the site, compared to Facebook, for example, also means people are liable to say things they wouldn’t say on any other site. Enter iconic tweets: whether it’s because they’re funny, crazy, or just mind-meltingly stupid. A viral tweet happened this past weekend asking people for their favorite tweets/ones that stay in their head, so it was easy pickings to gather a megadump’s worth! Enjoy wasting your time with these people who waste their time on Twitter! (IWSMT may have posted some of these tweets before, but hopefully most [if not all] are new!)