A Megacollection of 20 Funny Star Wars Memes with a High Memechlorian Count

Star Wars is one of Hollywood’s most iconic film franchises, spanning deeply passionate international fandoms. With parts that are good for kids with themes that are good for adults, the franchise spans over many years, both in real life and in-lore, and has something for everyone. For me personally, it’s one of my favorite franchises, from gaming to books to movies, though I haven’t interacted with it much recently. Much like most people, I just don’t have time to watch dozens of hours of one show just to understand the one reference for the other show, so that the main arc of the other show makes sense. BUT enough of my rambling, we got memes to see! Naturally with Star Wars being as big as it is, there’s lots of funny Star Wars memes! Some are just Clone Wars memes, some are funny prequel memes, and some are simply quotes being bastardized. No matter how it is, enjoy wasting your time with these funny Star Wars memes!

^this may be a repost from other SW lists but I don’t care, it gets me almost every time