Be warned, there are a lot of videos in this list! This week’s harvest of wholesome is a lot more light, smily, and cute than normal! From cats that mimic their owners perfectly to stories of kids being cute and their first words, this week is sure to bring you joy! Grab your empathy, tissues, and smiles, because this week is a doozy of delight! It’s common knowledge at this point that these weekly wholesome posts can’t possibly be considered a waste of time, but for the sake of not going against branding, we’re just gunna say it’s a waste of time (in name only)! So prep those face muscles because they’ll be moving a lot when you spend your time with these amazing wholesome memes!
Friendly firefighters. Wee. by u/Ok_Influence_4274 in MadeMeSmile
This dad gave his daughter a truly magical moment at the Eiffel Tower. He convinced his daughter that she was the one turning on the Eiffel Tower’s lights. by u/Knight_TheRider in MadeMeSmile
Son surprises his mother after being apart for a long time by u/Rollo_Tomasi3000 in MadeMeSmile
Patient dog walks extremely slowly with elderly owner by u/padmanabhapillai in MadeMeSmile
Parents perfect reaction to baby announcement by u/GaelTheVapeMaster in MadeMeSmile
5 generations family amazing by u/baconroll2022 in MadeMeSmile