Weekly Dose of Wholesome Memes to Relax You in this Hectic Time (Nov 30)

Welcome to another weekly dose of wholesome memes and cozy wholesome content for your enjoyment! In America, this is one of the craziest weekends of the year, lodged between Thanksgiving, Black Friday, a big Sunday football game – it can be a bit stressful. Hopefully it’s not too bad, though, and that goes for those outside of the U.S. as well! But if it has been a lot, I’ve been in contact with your doctor and they prescribed a dose of wholesome for you. So here it is, right on time and ready for consumption! So grab yourself a warm drink and take a moment to breath as you spend your time with these wholesome things!

I love this interaction. byu/mindyour inMadeMeSmile

Adopted Baby Girl byu/Sarang_616 inMadeMeSmile

Posts from the mademesmile community on Reddit

Landing her first kickflip byu/1q8b inMadeMeSmile

I wish EVERY little girl felt this way about themselves ❤️ byu/n8saces inMadeMeSmile

Sometimes when I wear something or do some makeup I end up with little moments like this. They’re fleeting and I’m still self-conscious a lot of the time, but these little moments of self-love are so empowering!

Denzel Washington with the most to the point life advice byu/FabulousStructure912 inMadeMeSmile

Saw a tweet from the girl who interviewed him and she was so stoked for the opportunity and everything, it was awesome!

Posts from the mademesmile community on Reddit

Sports player pays of family debt byu/austingoeshard inMadeMeSmile

While I will probably never be able to do it, I dream frequently of being able to do this for my parents, especially my mother.

A man threw water balloons at a beach and turned strangers into friends byu/Old_Inflation_6432 inMadeMeSmile

Sometimes it takes a little push to remember that the random people in the world also just want to have fun 🙂

Little Girl roars surprisingly real like a Lion byu/Toast_n_mustard inMadeMeSmile

new MGM lion just dropped